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8 restaurants, cafés fined for violating health protocols

8 restaurants, cafés fined for violating health protocols

Chief of the Ministries and Public Office Prosecution said that the Public Prosecution had received reports from the Public Health Directorate in which it indicated that eight restaurants and cafés had violated the health protocols in force under the Yellow Alert Level.

The reports said that the outlets allowed customers in without verifying their vaccination status, and accepted ones who have not received the required number of vaccinations against COVID-19. In addition, customers were not wearing face masks while inside the outlets.

The Public Health Directorate had closed the violating restaurants and cafés, and referred them to the relevant authorities.

The Public Prosecutions launched investigations into the cases, charged eight violating workers, and seven commercial outlets as legal persons.

The cases were referred to the criminal court which is responsible for examining violations of the precautionary measures to curb the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The judge issued verdicts against the suspects, including fines ranging between BD 1,000 and BD 2,000, with a total of BD 20,000.

Source: Bahrain News Agency