

Caretaker Minister of Culture, Judge Muhammad Wissam al-Murtada, toured Saturday the vicinity of the so-called “withdrawal line” in the Kfar Shuba Hills and Shebaa Farms area, all the way to al-Wazzani, in commemoration of the victory over the Zionist enemy in July and August 2006. His visit came in affirmation of Lebanon’s right to liberate its land, and in solidarity with the people of the town of Kfar Shuba who are demanding the return of their stolen property at the hands of occupation in the heights of the town. Minister al-Murtada’s first stop was near the Ba’sael pond opposite Hassan Gate, at point zero of the occupied Lebanese territories in the town, where he was received by Mayor Qassem Al-Qadri and a number of the town’s dignitaries. They then moved through Al-Tahaddi Road, which the municipality built along the enemy trench close to the road to the Al-Samaqa military site near the fence of 76. Minister al-Murtada said in a statement: “Today we are in the vicinity of a part of our south that has not been liberated, but liberation is inevitably coming, and we will return, God willing, and stand on the liberated part bordering the occupied Palestinian territories.” Meanwhile, during al-Murtada’s tour, the Israeli enemy mobilized its forces by summoning a Merkava tank from the Ruwaysat al-Alam site, and deploying its soldiers along the rocks, taking up combat positions. The Culture Minister continued his tour heading to Bistra Farm, one of the Shebaa farms overlooking the area surrounding the village of Ghajar, the Meri plain, and the town of Abbasieh. He then stopped at the ruins of the training camp of the occupation army before liberation in Mazraat al-Majidiyeh, and concluded his tour by visiting the banks of the Wazzani River adjacent to the Golan border. Tweeting on the “X” platform, al-Murtada said: “At the withdrawal line, at point zero, we draw from the blessing of liberation, we breathe the air of steadfastness and pride, and we increase faith in the resistance, its message, and the sanctity of its martyrs…May God’s peace be upon their souls.” He added, “Our mere presence during this tour has terrified the occupiers, because we are in a time when the southern breeze awakens fear in the joints of the enemies of humanity…The Shebaa hilltops and its farms and the Kfar Shuba hilltops are 100% Lebanese, and it is one of the most beautiful and richest areas in Lebanon…It is still occupied, alongside the Lebanese part of al-Ghajar, and desecrated by the Israeli presence..Its liberation is inevitably coming!”

Source: National News Agency – Lebanon