Key Issues

China Calls for International Efforts toward Ceasefire in GazaFRANGIEH BROACHES DEVELOPMENTS WITH PAPAL AMBASSADOR

China has called for international efforts toward an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

The current conflict in Gaza has been going on for five months, which has led to unspeakable harm to women. Over 9,000 mothers and daughters have been killed, and hundreds of thousands of women displaced, said Geng Shuang, China’s deputy permanent representative to the United Nations,.

“China calls on the international community to act promptly and redouble efforts to promote an immediate ceasefire to preserve for the people in Gaza their hope for survival,” he told a Security Council briefing on conflict-related sexual violence.

“We also call for increased diplomatic efforts so that all detainees could be released at an early date and reunited with their families,” he added.

Source: Oman News Agency

Marada Movement Leader Sleiman Frangieh received at his Bnachii residence on Tuesday, Apostolic Nuncio, Monsignor Paolo Borgia, in the presence of former Minister Rony Araiji.

Discussions reportedly touched on the latest developments in Lebanon and the region, in addition to ecclesiastical and national affairs.

Source: National News Agency – Lebanon