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Arabs urge UNSC resolution on Gaza ceasefire

The Arab League’s decision held the occupying Israeli entity full accountable for this dangerous development, which confirms that it is the approach of the occupying army.

The approach resulted in the killing of dozens of UN workers, relief staffers, journalists and medical teams.

The League stressed the need of implementing the 2023 Riyadh Muslim and Arab Summit’s resolution to lift the siege on the Gaza Strip, and an immediate entry of international, Muslim and Arab humanitarian aid convoys by sea, land and ground to the full Strip.

The League’s decision called on member states to implement the 161st Arab League’s session regarding placing Israeli occupation extremist groups on the Arab terror list to take legal measures against them.

It affirmed support to the efforts of Algeria, the Arab member at the UNSC, and countries aiming to solve the conflict in the region based on the UN resolutions and enabling Palestine to get a UN full membership.

The decision also backed Egypt and Qatar’s efforts for a pe
rmanent ceasefire and make life normal in the Strip.

Furthermore, the decision appreciated growing steps of the EU to recognize Palestine’s state, urging those which did not recognize Palestine to take the same step.

The decision further called for coordination and taking action with national and international institutions and organizations to offer relief to dozens of thousands of Palestinian children whose parents were killed in the brutal Israeli aggression on Gaza.

It underlined the need of backing the UNRWA as it is a UN responsibility, calling on all countries, which decided to freeze their funding to the agency, to resume their financial contributions.

Source: Kuwait News Agency