
In cartons and baby strollers…settlers compete to bring “Passover sacrifices” to Al-Aqsa (photos)

Jerusalem – Together – On Monday, Jewish settlers tried to bring sacrifices into Old Jerusalem, in preparation for slaughtering them in Al-Aqsa Mosque to celebrate the Hebrew Passover, which begins on Monday and extends for 7 days.

The settlers hid the ‘goat/kid’ offerings inside bags, cartons, and a baby stroller while they were on their way to bring them into the Old City.

The Israeli police announced the arrest of 13 settlers who attempted to bring sacrifices into the Old City.

The media circulated a video clip, in which one of the “Israeli” settlers – before the occupation police stopped him – appears carrying in his hands a bag with a sacrifice hidden inside it, to bring it to Al-Aqsa and offer it as an offering on the first day of the Hebrew “Passover” holiday.

The alleged Temple groups had called during the past few days to gather at the Mughrabi Gate on the eve of Easter, today at 10:30 pm, in an attempt to storm Al-Aqsa and slaughter the Easter offerings inside.

The Temple groups announced finan
cial rewards for anyone who attempts or is able to slaughter the Passover sacrifices at Al-Aqsa.

The calls to slaughter animal sacrifices on Passover are always at the forefront of the ‘Hozerim Lahar’ group, or ‘Returners to the Temple Mount,’ headed by the extremist ‘Raphael Morris,’ who was caught dozens of times trying to bring the sacrifices into the Jerusalem Wall or Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Source: Maan News Agency