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France’s leftist coalition to face difficulties to power despite majority

After significant gains, the well-known leftist coalition (the New Popular Ecological and Social Union) in France faces a difficult path to power despite its majority, which may trigger political and economic instability.

The leftist coalition, which includes major forces from the French left, the Communist Party, the Socialist Party, the Greens, and the Radical Left (LFI), has won 180 seats in the National Assembly out of 577, falling short of the required majority in the Assembly (289 seats) to pass laws and legislation without help of other political parties.

The leftist coalition promised the voters a radical shift in economic and social policies, greater oversight, and the introduction of new investment and economic policies.

French Minister of Economy Bruno Le Maire warned, after the results of the legislative elections were announced, that the economic policy of the left coalition poses serious dangers, the greatest of which is the possible financial crisis and economic collapse in France.

Le Maire
said that the implementation of the left coalition’s economic program, which it has adopted for five years, would put France’s domestic and foreign interests at risk, describing this project as “weak, ineffective, and lacks legitimacy and realistic methodology.” Le Maire also warned against the occurrence of an ideological split among the people, highlighting the critical importance of solidarity to prevent it.

From a political standpoint and amidst divisions within the National Assembly, this results will represent a major setback for the far right, which won in the first round, led by the head of the National Rally, Jordan Bardella, and its leader, Marine Le Pen, with 34 percent of the vote, winning between 260 and 310 seats, before the left and center alliances joined hands to confront it.

Dozens of candidates withdrew to unite efforts against the extreme right.

The French left announced its readiness to rule the country, as the leader of the leftist “France Proud” party, Jean-Luc Melenchon, called on P
resident Macron to step down and acknowledge this defeat without trying to circumvent it in any way. He also called on Prime Minister Gabriel Attal to resign.

Macron had a different opinion, as he asked his prime minister to remain in office after the latter submitted his resignation following his party’s defeat in the elections.

The French Presidential Palace (Elysee) said that Macron asked Prime Minister Attal to remain in his post to “ensure the country’s stability” at a time when Paris is preparing to host the largest sporting event expected this month, the 2024 Paris Olympics.

The results of the left’s victory may extend beyond French borders and internal affairs to constitute a turning point in European politics, as it could lead to strengthening leftist forces and directing European policies towards greater social justice and environmental sustainability.

However, the left faces great challenges in achieving a balance between the various trends within the European Union and ensuring economic and po
litical stability in light of these transformations.

The rise of the left in France may lead to increased tension between European Union member states and right-wing governments, which may complicate decision-making processes within the Union, especially the recent results in the European elections, which revealed the increasing influence of far-right parties, which will lead to radical changes in the balance of power within the European Parliament.

One of the most sensitive files is the issue of immigration, towards which leftist parties often adopt more open policies, which may raise controversy among member states that adopt more stringent approach.

The Ukrainian file is also of special importance in France, but with the arrival of the extreme right, European leaders fear that the Paris government, led by Macron, will weaken in this regard, which will lead to a reduction in the financial and military support that France provides to Kiev to confront Russia.

France awaits decisive decisions in the coming
days to see which parties will be at center stage, the most important of which is the formation of the future government that will be born without a majority for any of the three blocs.

One of the expected scenarios is that the government will be formed through coalitions while at present, Atal remains prime minister. Constitutionally, the President of the Republic is not bound to choosing his prime minister or the time limit within which he is appointed.

Source: Kuwait News Agency