Key Issues

Arab League: Combating corruption major issue in Arab forums agenda

The Arab League affirmed on Monday that combating corruption is a major case on the Arab forums’ agenda.

This came during the Arab League’s speech at the Special Arab Forum, held on the sidelines of the fifth session of the States Parties to the Arab Anti-Corruption Convention, which was delivered by Director of the Legal Affairs Department at the Arab League Maha Bakhit.

Bakhit stated that the Arab league places the issue of combating corruption at the top of priorities, as it is a direct threat to the security and stability of countries and the rule of law.

She added that the Arab Convection against corruption has been ratified by 15 Arab countries so far, noting that the Arab League, represented by the Council of Ministers of Justice and Interior, are urging the rest of the countries to ratify the agreement.

She continued that the convection aims at strengthening efforts in preventing, combating and exposing corruption and build integrity, transparency, accountability and the rule of law, as well as st
rengthen Arab cooperation in recovering assets.

On his part, Head of the Palestinian Anti-Corruption Commission Minister Raed Radwan stressed that combating corruption is a common concern among various societies.

He added that it is no secret that Palestinians have been exposed to corruption for more than seven months, which has been reflected in the overall Palestinian life, whether economically or politically, or within official institutions.

He added that these circumstances constituted a major challenge in the success of this forum to combat corruption through exchanging experiences and knowledge in the most important anti-corruption mechanisms.

Regional Representative for the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in the Middle East and North Africa Cristina Albertin stated that there is a strong tie between the UN and the Arab League in combating corruption.

She affirmed the importance a consultative process between Arab countries to strengthen the legal aspect and understanding of combat
ing corruption in private and public sectors.

Kuwait participated in the special Arab Forum with a delegation from the Anti-Corruption Authority (Nazaha), headed by its Vice President Nawaf Al-Mehmal.

Source: Kuwait News Agency