
Arab League Stresses Importance of Securing International Protection for Palestinians

The Secretariat General of Arab League underscored the significance of securing international protection for the Palestinians following the persistent violations perpetrated by the Israeli occupation against them.

It called for the Israeli entity, its army, and colonizers to be included in the ‘List of Shame’ for entities that violate children’s rights in the armed conflicts in implementation of the United Nations Security Council Resolution No. 1612.

This came in the remarks of Assistant Secretary-General and Head of Social Affairs Sector of the League of Arab States, Ambassador Haifa Abu Ghazala, before the 54th ordinary session of UN Human Rights Council held during 11 September to 13 October, in Geneva, under item seven on the human rights situation in the occupied Palestinian territories.

Abu Ghazala called for the permanent retention of the aforementioned item on the council’s agenda, in addition to pressuring the Israeli occupation to halt the settlement policies, arming the settlers, an all Israeli violations perpetrated against the Islamic and Christian holy places. She stressed the importance of securing the international protection through dispatching international observers and UN committees to the occupied Palestinian territories.

She also called for ramping up pressure on the Israeli occupation to stop all racial and discrimination measures against Palestinians, such as impounding their lands and demolishing homes and property, as well as stealing wealth and natural resources.

Abu Ghazala said that immediate action should be taken to release Palestinian administrative detainees and Arabs incarcerated in the occupation’s prisons who are subject to illegal arbitrary detention.

Source: Oman News Agency