
Arab League urges immediate action to stop war against Palestinians

CAIRO, – The League of Arab States on Thursday called on the international community to take serious and immediate action to stop the vicious war to which the Palestinian people are being exposed.

It also called for, in a statement on the 106th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration, to allow urgent entry of humanitarian aid into Gaza and to work urgently to implement the decision of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) at its emergency special session on October 26 regarding illegal Israeli actions, the protection of civilians, and adherence to legal obligations.

It urged the UN Security Council (UNSC) to exercise its powers in assuming its responsibilities by applying the rules of international law with standards of justice, overcoming the state of incapacity and absence, and working to provide international protection for the Palestinian people who are subjected to Israeli attacks in Gaza and the West Bank, including the city of Jerusalem.

What is happening these days in Gaza and the occupied West Bank is a continuation of a series of massacres, displacement, and emptying the land of its indigenous population that began with the ill-fated Balfour Declaration, the statement said.

It is now the responsibility of the international community, especially UNSC, to take decisive and rapid measures to protect and redress the Palestinian people from the consequences of that this criminal war, it underlined.

It underscored the need to oblige the occupation authorities to immediately stop their aggression against civilians, stop the policy of forced displacement, ethnic cleansing, and systematic destruction of the lives of the Palestinian people, and confront the apartheid regime, colonial settlement, and desecration of Islamic and Christian lives and sanctities, especially in the city of Jerusalem and the holy mosque.

It stressed that standing on the right side of history consists of standing by the Palestinians, and that there is no other formula that can lead to stability and security in the region other than the establishment of an independent Palestinian state on the borders of June 4, 1967, with East Jerusalem as its capital, in accordance with the laws and decisions of international legitimacy connected to the Arab Peace Initiative.

Today marks the anniversary of Balfour Declaration, which was issued by former British Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour on November 2, 1917, to establish a national homeland for the Jews in Palestine, the statement mentioned.

Palestinians in Gaza and throughout the occupied Palestinian territory are subjected to a brutal and escalating destructive war that has left thousands of deaths and tens of thousands of innocent civilians wounded due to the devastating Israeli bombing and a series of continuing heinous bloody massacres, it noted.

The Arab League pointed to the criminal massacres at Jabalia refugee camp, which claimed the lives of more than 500 Palestinians, bringing the number of genocidal massacres since October 7, 2023 to over 950 massacres against innocent, defenseless civilians, especially children and women.

The Arab League expressed appreciation for the steadfastness of the Palestinian people, appreciating their enormous sacrifices to restore and exercise their inalienable and legitimate rights to freedom and independence and to embody their independent state on its national soil, confirming the continued support of the Arab nation.

Source: Kuwait News Agency