Astronomers Embark on Using Largest-Ever Digital Camera to Study Universe

In a groundbreaking venture, astronomers at the Vera C. Rubin Observatory in Chile plan to utilize the world’s largest digital camera, an $800 million, 3,200-megapixel marvel set to capture unprecedented views of the cosmos.

Commencing operations in early 2025, the colossal camera, weighing 2.8 metric tons and affixed to a telescope in the northern Chilean desert, will conduct a comprehensive 10-year review of the sky-known as the Legacy Survey of Space and Time.

This survey aims to reveal insights into 20 million galaxies, 17 billion stars, and six million space objects.

The cutting-edge technology marks a paradigm shift in astronomy, elevating Chile’s prominence as a global hub for astronomical observation due to its pristine skies and hosting a third of the world’s most powerful telescopes.

Source:Oman News Agency