
Astronomers Uncover Mysterious ‘Old Smoker’ Stars in Milky Way’s Core

Astronomers conducting a decade-long survey of the night sky have uncovered a new type of star near the center of the Milky Way, dubbed “old smokers.”

These aging giants remain inactive for decades, fading until nearly invisible before emitting clouds of smoke and dust.

Detected through infrared observations of nearly a billion stars, the findings, detailed in four studies published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, challenge previous notions about the distribution of heavy elements in the universe.

The old smoker stars, largely situated in the Milky Way’s inner nuclear disc, release matter in unexpected ways, potentially impacting the formation of future stars and planets.

The discovery prompts astronomers to reconsider the role of such stars in the cosmic life cycle of elements.

Source:Oman News Agency