
Bahraini Min. of Youth Affairs commends distinguished youth ties with Kuwait

Assistant Undersecretary for Support and Initiatives at the Bahraini Ministry of Youth Affairs Saud Al-Hadi extolled on Friday the distinguished youth ties between his country and Kuwait.

Al-Hadi made the remark while welcoming visiting Director General of the Kuwaiti Arab Planning Institute (API) Dr. Bader Malallah, and an expert from API Faisal Al-Monawer.

During the meeting, Al-Hadi appreciated the keenness of API to open channels of communication with the Ministry of Youth Affairs to serve the strategies and objectives of the ministry and the institute alike.

The meeting dealt with an explanation of API’s objectives in supporting economic, social and youth development efforts in the Arab countries, preparing research and studies, providing advisory services and institutional support, encouraging entrepreneurship and holding developmental meetings.

Al-Hadi discussed with API’s officials regarding ways of cooperation between both sides, and presented joint initiatives towards the youth.

The ministry’s strategy always seeks to create an ideal environment for discovering, refining and highlighting youth and emerging talents in various fields, Al-Hadi underscored.

Meanwhile, Dr. Malallah acclaimed the great development witnessed by the youth movement in Bahrain and its achievement of outstanding achievements at all levels, stressing the keenness of API to cooperate with the Ministry of Youth Affairs to present multiple initiatives and programs that contribute to improving the skills of youth and supporting their projects and innovations

Source: Kuwait News Agency