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Caretaker Minister of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants, Dr. Abdallah Bou Habib, on Wednesday instructed Lebanon’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Hadi Hashem, in response to directives from Caretaker Prime Minister, Najib Mikati, to lodge a complaint dated January 9, 2024, before the United Nations Security Council in reaction to the recent Israeli complaint regarding Lebanon’s alleged non-compliance with Security Council Resolution 1701.

In its complaint, Lebanon has strongly condemned the continuous aggressive actions undertaken by Israeli forces against Lebanon since October 7, coinciding with its war on Gaza. Citing documented evidence of Israel’s violation of Resolution 1701, Lebanon highlighted incidents where Israel targeted Lebanese territories, manipulating facts by blaming Lebanon for its blatant violations of sovereignty and territorial integrity.

The complaint also provided extensive evidence of Israeli military operations violating Paragraph 1 of Resolution 1701. These included th
e use of internationally banned phosphorus shells targeting areas in southern Lebanon’s Aitroun, Mays al-Jabal, and Blida, causing forest fires and destroying of 50,000 olive trees, let alone civilian injuries due to chemical inhalation, breaching international humanitarian law, and potentially constituting war crimes.

The complaint also mentioned that an Israeli drone targeted a journalistic team with guided missiles, resulting in fatalities, including the death of an innocent civilian on November 21, 2023.

‘These repeated hostile acts, coupled with Israeli military overflights and incursions into Lebanese airspace, blatantly violate Paragraph 4 of Resolution 1701, affirming strong support for full respect for the Blue Line,’ the complaint read.

The complaint further highlighted Israeli direct attacks on a Lebanese army position on December 5, 2023, leading to its complete destruction, the martyrdom of a Lebanese soldier, and critical injuries to two others. It also mentioned Israel’s repeated assaults on
Lebanese army positions, numbering 34 since October 7, 2023, which flagrantly violate Paragraph 5 of Resolution 1701, safeguarding Lebanon’s sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity.

Lebanon emphasized its steadfast policy of self-defense and pursuit of its legitimate rights through lawful means, seeking the comprehensive application of Resolution 1701 by the United Nations Security Council. It reiterated its commitment to de-escalation and restoring calm along the Blue Line.

Lebanon also called on the Security Council for complete and comprehensive enforcement of Resolution 1701 with clear international guarantees. This includes the affirmation of Lebanon’s internationally recognized southern borders, the cessation of Israeli violations (land, sea, and air), Israel’s withdrawal to agreed-upon international borders, and collaboration with the UN in reinforcing Lebanon’s armed forces in line with Paragraph 3 of Resolution 1701.

The complaint underlined Israel’s obligation under Resolution 1701 t
o respect Paragraph 18, emphasizing the necessity of achieving a comprehensive and just peace in the Middle East by ending the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories in accordance with relevant UN resolutions, particularly Resolutions 242 (1967) and 338 (1973), and establishing two states based on Resolution 1515 (2003).

The complaint serves as a strong condemnation of Israel’s actions and a call for international support in upholding Lebanon’s sovereignty, territorial integrity, and pursuit of a lasting and just peace in the region.

Source: National News Agency – Lebanon