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Egypt warns of risk of regional expansion of conflict

Egypt raised alarm Sunday about the risk of expanding military confrontations in the Middle East and called on Iran and Israel to maintain maximum restraint and avoid the brinkmanship policy that could further escalate regional tension and instability.

Egypt’s warning was conveyed by Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry in three separate phone calls with his US, Iranian and Israeli counterparts.

In a press statement, the Egyptian Foreign Ministry said that Shoukry discussed with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken the developments in the region, the escalating tensions in recent weeks amid the Gaza crisis and its regional implications, which now present a significant threat to the region’s security and stability.

The ministers exchanged views and assessments regarding strategies to de-escalate tensions and spare the region the risks of expanding the conflict.

Minister Shoukry emphasized Egypt’s keenness on close coordination with the US to contain the current crisis between Iran and Israel, stressing Egypt’s u
nwavering commitment to exerting all efforts to halt the ongoing war in the Gaza Strip and facilitate the entry of humanitarian aid to alleviate the unfolding humanitarian catastrophe faced Palestinians in the strip.

He underscored that the widening scope of the conflict, as witnessed, will serve no party’s interests and will only bring further tension and instability to the region’s peoples.

The two ministers agreed to continue consultations and coordination between their respective countries to contain the ongoing tensions, promote de-escalation efforts, and defuse crises in the Middle East.

Earlier, Minister Shoukry phoned the Iranian Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr. Hossein Amir-Abdollahian and the Israeli Minister of Foreign Affairs Israel Katz.

He expressed Egypt’s deep concern due to the ongoing unprecedented military escalation between Iran and Israel, which threatens to spiral the situation out of control, jeopardize regional stability, and endanger the interests of its peoples.

During the separa
te calls, Minister Shoukry urged his Iranian and Israeli counterparts to exercise maximum restraint and refrain from policies of brinkmanship and mutual provocations that could further escalate tensions and instability in the Middle East.

He conveyed to his Iranian and Israeli counterparts Egypt’s readiness to intensify its efforts in collaboration with its partners to defuse the current crisis, which is taking on a dangerous escalatory trend, especially given the ongoing crisis in the Gaza Strip and the daily suffering of the Palestinian people, as well as the escalating tensions in multiple hotspots in the region.

Minister Shoukry also called for reinforcing rational discourse and enabling diplomatic endeavors aimed at preserving Middle East stability and ensuring the safety of the region’s populations.

He emphasized Egypt’s firm stance in calling for a ceasefire in Gaza and facilitating the entry of humanitarian aid.

He also underscored Egypt’s rejection of any actions aimed at displacing Palestinians
from their lands, including military operations on the ground in the Palestinian city of Rafah.

Source: Kuwait News Agency