
EU commemorates 9th anniv. of downing Malaysian Flight MH17

The European Union Sunday underlined its full support for all efforts to achieve justice for the 298 victims of the Malaysian Flight MH17 downing and their next of kin and to hold those responsible for account.

This came in a statement issued by EU High Representative Josep Borrell on the 9th anniversary of the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17, commemorated on July 17.

A total of 298 people of 17 different nationalities lost their lives when the plane was shot down flying over eastern Ukraine in 2014.

“The European Court on Human Rights was the first international court to confirm Russia’s involvement in the downing of Flight MH17,” said Borrell, adding “the decision is final and will be followed by a judgment on the merits, at a later date.” The EU called on Russia to accept its responsibility and to fully cooperate to establish truth, justice and accountability for the victims and their next of kin.

Source: Kuwait News Agency