
FM attends discussion on two-state solution, Palestinian statehood

Riyadh, Dr. Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, attended a discussion session on the two-state solution and the recognition of the Palestinian state, co-organised by Saudi Arabia and Norway.

The session was attended by foreign ministers of Arab, Islamic and European countries, and senior European Union and Arab League officials.

The ministers discussed supporting international efforts to advance the recognition of an independent Palestinian state, securing the rights of the Palestinian people and establishing fair and comprehensive peace in the Middle East.

The discussions focused on the development of the war in the Gaza Strip, its catastrophic results and the repercussions on regional and international security and stability.

The ministers also discussed regional and international efforts to bring an end to the war, deescalate, protect civilians, and ensure unhindered delivery of aid.

Source: Bahrain News Agency