Key Issues

Foreign Minister receives credentials’ copies of ambassadors-designate to Bahrain

Foreign Affairs Minister, Dr. Abdullatif bin Rashid Al-Zayani, today received virtually copies of the credentials of the following ambassadors-designate to Bahrain:

– Riyadh-resident Ambassador-designate of Mali to Bahrain, Boubacar Gouro Diall

– Kuwait-resident Ambassador-designate of Laos to Bahrain, Boun Inthabandith

– Riyadh-resident Ambassador-designate of Portugal to Bahrain, Nuno Mathias

– Riyadh-resident Ambassador-designate of Burundi to Bahrain, Nahayo Jacques Ya’coub

– Abu Dhabi-resident Ambassador-designate of Tonga to Bahrain, Akauola Honourable

The Foreign Minister welcomed the ambassadors-designate, affirming the kingdom’s keenness to enhance its relations and cooperation with their countries, within the framework of shared keenness to develop those ties to achieve common interests, wishing them every success in carrying out their diplomatic duties.

The ambassadors-designate to the kingdom expressed their pride in presenting their credentials’ copies to the Foreign Affairs Minister, valuing highly the steady progress of relations between their countries and Bahrain.

They affirmed their keenness to bolster their countries’ ties with Bahrain to meet common aspirations and achieve shared interests, wishing the kingdom further progress and prosperity.

Source: Bahrain News Agency