Key Issues


The Free Patriotic Movement’s political council held its periodic meeting electronically on Saturday, headed by its Chief, MP Gebran Bassil, following which it issued a statement cautioning against “the serious repercussions of the war in Ukraine on the situation of the countries of the Middle East and Lebanon, which began to be affected by a shortage of some types of foodstuffs, as well as the global rise in fuel prices.”

Meanwhile, the Movement thanked “the efforts made by Russia and the concerned countries to evacuate the Lebanese from Ukraine,” stressing “the need for the Lebanese state to abide by neutralization and avoid entering as a party into the dangerous conflict whose solution can only be through dialogue and peaceful methods, on the basis of preserving the territorial integrity of countries and respecting their sovereignty and strategic and national security.”

At the Lebanese scene, the statement continued to emphasize that the Movement “holds the government responsible for the financial chaos, due to the slowdown in approving the financial recovery plan and taking decisions that block the path of all political exploitation aimed at pushing the country towards further deterioration.”

The FPM polit-bureau also denounced “every attempt to pressure the judiciary to desist from the financial and banking files it is investigating and to interfere in its affairs through arbitrary action,” while at the same time “affirming its keenness on the safety, reform and restructuring of the banking sector in order to restore the confidence of the Lebanese and the world in it, and help it play its role in financing the economy which requires finalizing the forensic and financial audit, taking decisions and approving the necessary laws.”

Referring to the upcoming parliamentary elections, the FPM political council statement asserted that “the Movement is anxiously awaiting the date of the parliamentary elections to renew and confirm its popular legitimacy and to drop all the lies that accuse it of wanting to postpone the elections every time it raises reformist demands, such as the Diaspora MPs and Megacenters…”

The Movement also expressed concern towards the reluctance of a number of political figures in the honorable Sunni sect to run in the elections, hoping that this will not be a reason for their boycott by members of the Sunni sect, and that the latter would be well-represented.

Source: National News Agency