Germany reaffirms it will not be part of Russian military operation in Ukraine

Germany reaffirms it will not be part of Russian military operation in Ukraine

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz renewed on Wednesday that his country will not be a part of the Russian military operation in Ukraine, despite the great military and humanitarian support that Germany provides to Kiev.

In a speech, Scholz pledged before the German Federal Parliament (Bundestag) that Germany would not become a party in the Russian military operation that started on February 2022.

He reiterated his country’s government’s position of refusing to stop this operation in accordance with Russia’s vision of it, saying that Germany “will not support” a ceasefire that results in Ukraine’s surrender to Russia.

Schulz considered the conditions offered by Russia to stop this operation a “strange peace offer”, stating that the Russian offer consists of preparing for a ceasefire without anything in return.

Germany is one of the biggest supporters of Ukraine in its war against Russia, as it comes second after the United States in providing military support to the Ukrainian army.

Source: Kuwait News Agency