
Heritage Ministry Hits High in Oman Vision 2040 Goals

Muscat: The Ministry of Heritage and Tourism has achieved high indicators in the goals of Oman 2040 vision. While the target was to reach 33,000 hotel rooms by the end of 2025, the Ministry’s statistics indicate that the achieved indicator stood at 32,371 by the end of September 2023.

Meanwhile, the target for the number of tourists, set at 2.5 million by the end of 2023, was exceeded to a total of 2.9 million visitors by the end October 2023.

The target percentage of tourism sector’s contribution to the gross domestic product (GDP) at constant prices for the year 2025, set at 2.75 percent, was almost accomplished in 2022, when GDP at constant prices for that year stood at about 2.4 percent.

The Ministry of Heritage and Tourism is embarked on utilizing statistical figures in a systematic manner to produce indicators that both support tourism decision-making and realize the sector’s goals in Oman Vision 2040.
Source: Oman News Agency