

“Hezbollah” regretted in an issued statement today, “the painful tragedy that befell the beloved city of Tripoli and its good people,” extending its “deepest condolences and sympathy to the families of the victims and all of our people in Tripoli and the North, asking God Almighty to grant them patience and solace and to have mercy on the fallen victims.”

“We consider what happened as a very tragic manifestation of the deepening economic and social crisis in the country as a result of wrong policies and long decades of negligence and deprivation that ultimately led to the difficult conditions that our country and people are going through,” the statement said.

It added that the incident comes as a cry of warning to all officials at all levels, and an appeal to the conscience of the state and society alike, to deal seriously with the consequences of the crisis with social and broad national solidarity, so as to get out of the severe ordeal our country is witnessing which is pushing dozens of families to emigrate and risk their lives for a better living.

“This tragedy, like previous tragedies, calls for a quick, transparent, impartial and fair judicial investigation to uncover the truth of what happened and to prosecute the perpetrators of this sorrowful incident,” the statement underlined.

“We call on the relevant state apparatuses to stand by the families of the victims, embrace them and provide them with all forms of assistance,” Hezballah’s statement concluded, urging all “to show a spirit of patience and national responsibility and to stay away from acts of violence, sabotage and harm to internal security and stability.”

Source: National News Agency