Key Issues

HH Shaikh Khalid bin Hamad issues edicts 12, 13 of 2023

His Highness Shaikh Khalid bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Supreme Council for Youth and Sports First Deputy Chairman, General Sports Authority Chairman and Bahrain Olympic Committee President, today issued edicts 12 and 13 of 2013, restructuring the boards of directors of the Bahrain Boxing Federation and the Bahrain Bodybuilding and Fitness Federation for the current session, 2021-2024.

According to edict 12, the Board of Directors of the Bahrain Boxing Federation shall be chaired by Rashid Isa Rashid Flaifal, and comprise Mayan Adnan Hassan Mahmood, Layla Alawi Al-Sayed Jaffar Salman, Samer Ishaq Yacoob Al-Shaikh Yacoob and Saud Adel Ali Abdulrahman Al Mahmood as members.

Meanwhile, edict 13 stipulates that the Board of Directors of the Bahrain Bodybuilding and Fitness Federation shall be chaired by Sami Ibrahim Ali Al-Haddad, and include Ibrahim Hamdi Ibrahim Al-Sheba, Osama Hussain Mohammed Mahdi Al-Laith, Hussain Jassim Ali Baqer, Aysha Mohammed Ibrahimm Mohammed Ahmed, Yousif Abdulaziz Mohammed Khonji, Mohammed Saleh Ali Al-Shafea and Yousif Mohammed Al-Nabhan as members

Source: Bahrain News Agency