
Kuwait Info. Min. honors winners of Arab Media Excellence Award

A ceremony was held in Manama on Wednesday to honor the laureates of the eighth Arab Media Excellence Award on the sidelines of the 54th session of the Arab information ministers’ council.

The ceremony gathered Kuwait’s Minister of Information and Culture Abdulrahman Al-Mutairi, his Bahraini counterpart Ramzan Al-Naeimi and Assistant Secretary-General of the Arab League for Media and Communication Affairs Ahmad Rashid Khattabi.

The award, sponsored by Kuwait and themed this year “media of crisis, disasters and risks,” aimed to promote professionalism of Arab media people.

Kuwait TV’s “Gaza,” written and presented by Hawraa Khaleb and directed by Meshal Al-Shemmeri, won the best TV reportage category of the award.

“Al-Walad wa Al-Asfoura” (The Boy and Sparrow) of Egypt’s Cairo News TV, telling the story of a Palestinian boy who was evicted from his home by the Israeli occupation forces, won the best TV report award.

“Ardh Al-Hejarah” (The Land of Stones), of the Iraqi Media Network, on the Palestinian-Isr
aeli conflict, won the best documentary award.

Morocco’s SNRT won the best radio report award for its chain or reports themed “Zelzal Al- Al-Haouz” (Earthquake of Al-Haouz).

Algeria Radio’s “risks of desertification and drought” won the best educational promo award.

The category of the award for printed press was given to Egypt’s Mobtada website for its investigative reportage on “families deleted from Palestinian register due to genocide.” The op-ed article award was given to Mohammad Aswab, a journalist of Maghreb Arab Press (MAP) for his story “Sa’osamih al-hussein” (I’ll call him Hussein).

The digital media award for the best video was given to “Hatha Wajebona” of Kuwait’s new media sector. The video was compiled by Sara Haidar and directed by Bashaer Al-Sayegh.

Saudi Press Agency won the award for the best investigative report by King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre (KSrelief) which documents the efforts of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to deliver aid to residents in Gaza Strip.

The best ph
oto award was given to Libya’s Hassan Al-Majdoub for his “hal najawna” (Have we survived) photo.

Dr. Nawal Al-Sherif, of Libya too, Wael Al-Dahdouh, the late reporter of Al-Jazeera news network from Gaza, as well as Palestine TV were also honored at the ceremony for their struggle to uncover the crimes of the Israeli occupation forces.

Source: Kuwait News Agency