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Malaysia welcomes latest independent review on UNRWA

Malaysia welcomed Wednesday, the final report by the Independent Review Group (IRG) which upholds and ensures the humanitarian principle of neutrality of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA).

In a press statement, the Malaysian Foreign Affairs Ministry affirmed its unequivocal rejection of the Israeli occupation’s continued propagation of lies, deceit, misrepresentation, and “Israeli occupation’s baseless accusations of United Nations staff being involved with terrorist organizations.” “Israeli occupation’s false accusation has not only tarnished [UNRWA’s] reputation, but also undermined the valuable contribution of donor countries, unjustly impeding their support without valid grounds,” the Ministry added.

Therefore, Malaysia approved and welcomed the decision made by numerous countries to continue their contributions to UNRWA, and urged “others that have suspended their contribution to do the same immediately,” because UNRWA had become “a vital life line for the besieg
ed Palestinians.” The IRG was established by the UN Secretary-General on 5 February 2024 to evaluate UNRWA’s neutrality following allegations by the Israeli occupation of the involvement of UNRWA’s staff in the 7 October 2023 attacks

Source: Kuwait News Agency