
‘Mourning the martyr Haniyeh is a religious matter’ – Sheikh Sabri released after 5 hours of investigation

The occupation authorities released Sheikh Ikrima Sabri, head of the Supreme Islamic Council and Imam and preacher of Al-Aqsa Mosque, on Friday evening, on condition that he be banned from Al-Aqsa for a week with the possibility of renewal.

The occupation intelligence detained Sheikh Sabri for about 5 hours in the investigation center “Rooms 4” in West Jerusalem, and interrogated him about “his sermon in Al-Aqsa and his eulogy for the martyr Ismail Haniyeh”, after arresting him from his home in the Al-Sawana neighborhood in the city, following statements and demands from government ministers, settlers, and extremist organizations demanding the withdrawal of his identity and the immediate opening of an investigation with him about the Friday sermon.

Regarding what happened to him, Sheikh Sabri told Ma’an News Agency: “Serious charges were brought against me and prepared for me, the most prominent of which are: treason against the state, terrorism, and membership in an illegal organization.” In his eulogy for
Sheikh Ismail Haniyeh during the sermon, Sheikh Sabri denied all the charges against him, and explained that the eulogy is a religious matter, and does not mean that we support or oppose the one we are eulogizing. The eulogy is a prayer, and a prayer is a verse and a Quranic text. The word “martyr” was also mentioned.

Sheikh Sabri explained that after the charges against me failed and were proven, he released me on condition that I be kept away from Al-Aqsa for a week.

Sheikh Sabri was surprised by the settlers’ incitement against him, and published a picture of his house and demanded his expulsion.

Regarding the threat and the demand to withdraw his residency (ID) from him, the Sheikh said: ‘I heard about it through the media, but I was not informed of these threats. We are the owners of this blessed and sacred country, and our connection to it is by a decision from God, not the Security Council or the United Nations. This incitement is unjustified.’

For his part, Medhat Diba, the Sheikh’s lawyer, said:
‘What is being practiced against Sheikh Akram Sabri is legal terrorism through the great pressure from terrorist organizations that are constantly monitoring the Sheikh. We previously filed complaints against the incitement to kill the Sheikh, but the police did not move a finger. Today, immediately and hours after the Friday sermon, I obtained permission from the Public Prosecution to investigate the Sheikh and arrest him from his home.’

Immediately after the Friday sermon, Interior Minister Moshe Arbel demanded that Sheikh Sabri’s identity be revoked, on the pretext of “committing security violations and breach of trust.” In his demand, the minister denounced Sheikh Haniyeh’s eulogy in Al-Aqsa, saying that he was one of those responsible for the events of “October 7.”

The claim stated, ‘Article 11A of the Entry into Israel Law grants the Minister of the Interior the authority to cancel a permanent residence permit for committing an act that constitutes a breach of trust.

He asked the government’s legal a
dvisor to help him complete the procedures to withdraw Sheikh Sabri’s identity.

As for the Minister of National Security in the occupation government, Itamar Ben Gvir, he demanded that the Public Prosecution open an immediate investigation with Sheikh Sabri.

The settlers called for bombing Sheikh Sabri’s house, and published pictures of the Sheikh’s house and identified its location

Source: Maan News Agency