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Nazaha: Kuwait keen on boosting Arab, Int’l cooperation against corruption

CAIRO, Vice President of Kuwait Anti-Corruption Authority (Nazaha) Nawaf Al-Mahamel affirmed Tuesday Kuwait’s commitment to enhance Arab and International cooperation in preventing corruption.

In his speech in the fifth session of the Arab anti-corruption convention Al-Mahamel said that Kuwait took an approach towards developing its institutional legislation and mechanisms in anti-corruption in line with the international and regional legislative development in the field. He added that Kuwait, represented by Nazaha, was keen to exchange experiences and best practices, as well as exchange information with its counterparts, whether through joint memorandums of understanding and even requests for mutual legal assistance.

Al-Mahamel explained Nazaha actively participates in Arab and international networks and organizations concerned with combating corruption and was among the first entities to join the global operational network of law enforcement authorities concerned with combating corruption.

He stressed th
at it is inevitable to adopt and develop technological, digital and electronic methods of combating corruption crimes, adding that Kuwait seeks to keep pace with the qualitative and technical development in anti-corruption.

International and regional cooperation entities concerned with combating corruption, including the Arab League, must take into account the necessity of consolidating advanced technical and digital technologies, especially after the spread of artificial intelligence. He noted the possibility of enhancing the effectiveness of developing national legislation directed at corruption by providing opportunities for citizens to participate in the processes of surveying the shortcomings of existing legislation, and help amend and develop them.

He touched on the events in the Palestinian territories by saying that today’s conference coincides with cruel events that Palestine has and is still witnessing, as a result of the inhumane actions of Israeli occupation, which are a flagrant violation of th
e international humanitarian law.

He stressed the need to strengthen Arab solidarity to consolidate the international rejection of acts of war directed against Palestinians, urging to support them.

Nawaf Al-Mahamel headed the Nazaha’s delegation to the Arab anti-corruption convention commenced on Tuesday at the General Secretariats of Arab League’s HQ, chaired by Palestine.

Source: Kuwait News Agency