
ODP and ITHCA Group Launch Jabreen Smart Infrastructure

Muscat: Oman Data Park (ODP ) and ITHCA Group launched Jabreen Smart Infrastructure Solutions, the largest cloud systems with a new identity in the Sultanate of Oman.

The launching ceremony of Jabreen Smart Infrastructure Solutions, was held under the patronage of Sheikh Ghosn Hilal Al Alawi, Chairman of the State Audit Institution (SAI).

This cloud system aims to provide the Omani market with various packages of integrated cloud solutions, artificial intelligence (AI) solutions, cyber security solutions. This phase comes, after the first phase investment of ITHCA Group in attracting advanced cloud services from Oracle, in order Jabreen Project to be the second phase, to provide an advanced package of cloud solutions, including the ‘cloud infrastructure as a service (IaaS) solutions,’ ‘platform as a service (PaaS) solutions,’ and ‘software as a service (SaaS) solutions. By this launching, the company will contribute to set new standards for data and cyber security solutions.

Jabreen Smart Infrastructure so
lutions, with its renewed identity, offers integrated technical solutions in accordance with the international standards, to contribute to strengthen the cloud systems in government entities and private sector companies and establishments in the Sultanate of Oman, base on the principles followed in the country. The step will also play a vital role in saving data and reducing the cost by moving from capital cost to the current cost. It will also contribute to advance the pace towards artificial intelligence. Jabreen Smart Infrastructure solutions will also contribute to accelerate the digital transformation in light of the transformation race in the region.

Jabreen Smart Infrastructure solutions will strengthen the provision of advanced systems using artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and cyber security solutions to serve government entities, banks, and companies professionally. It will also provide other services related to data and information analysis, as well as advanced solutions that will
help various sectors to be more dynamic in their contribution to business growth in a more streamlined manner.

In a statement on this subject, Eng. Maqbool Al Wahaibi, CEO of Oman Data Park, said: ”The new Jabreen Smart Infrastructure solutions will provide its solutions to various government entities, private sector, oil and gas sector and banks through direct cooperation between Oman Data Park, and ITHCA Group, to supply the market with these advanced systems.’

Al Wahaibi added that as the largest cloud system in providing technical solutions in accordance to the international standards while adhering to the Omani standards followed in this field, this system will contribute effectively to enhance the internally data storage and reducing the cost by moving it from capital cost to commercial cost, in order to acerbate the process of digital transformation in the country.

He emphasized that Oman Data Park will also pay a great attention to small and medium enterprises and technology companies operating in
Oman, by managing direct sale operations in a way that supports the digital sector’s journey in the Sultanate of Oman and enhancing the economic and strategic plans that are compatible with Oman Vision 2040 in its technological context.

For his part, Eng. Said Abdullah Al Mandhari, CEO of ITHCA Group, said: ‘The cloud partnership between ITHCA Group and ODP enhances the identity of Jabreen Smart Infrastructure solutions, as well as embodying the public and private sector’s cooperation efforts to implement the strategies of the communication and information technology sector towards accessing the Fourth Industrial Revolution’.

Al-Mandhari added: ‘This strategic partnership between ITHCA Group and ODP will also contribute to accelerate the pace of projects work, as it will strengthen the provision of advanced cloud services, cyber security solutions, Internet of Things solutions, other ready-made solutions, and various technical support services.

The servers of the Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), will po
wer the Group’s processing, networks, while the networks will transfer its data and communications where the devices connect users of the group’s services through professional technical support by ODP.

The Platform as a Service (PaaS), will contribute to enhance ITHCA Group’s competitive capabilities through platforms that provide speed and innovation in delivering flexible and reliable solutions for the group’s development needs, in affordable enough to launch without committing large sums of capital.

As for the Software as a Service (SaaS), it is a fast, reliable, and secure app to support ITHCA Group technically, while the SaaS of ODP is capable to run ITHCA operations in a few minutes and can deploy the new programs through its cloud environment to ITHCA endpoints. Updates are managed by the professional team at Oman Data Park without wasting the group’s time on sourcing, installation and troubleshooting.

Source: Oman News Agency