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Oman Advocates Dialogue as Firm Principle, Approach in its Foreign Policy

The Sultanate of Oman today affirmed that dialogue is a consistent principle and a strong approach in its foreign policy due to their effective impact on achieving reconciliation, harmony and peace between conflicting parties.

This was stated by Sayyid Badr Hamad Al Busaidi, Foreign Minister during a speech of the Sultanate of Oman in the 78th session of the General Assembly of the United Nations (UN) convened in New York.

Sayyid Badr said “The Sultanate of Oman asserts its firm commitment to join hands with the international community in its quest to achieve a peaceful world order, based on justice, fairness, respect for the Charter of the United Nations, international law, the sovereignty of states, and non-interference in their internal affairs”.

The minister added that the Sultanate of Oman calls on the international community to adhere to the United Nations system in addressing disputes and resolving conflicts, and to advocate dialogue as a way to reach peaceful solutions to these conflicts, and to negotiate to build a world in which a decent life prevails and filled with prosperity, stability, security and peace.

He explained that we are linked to nations by the unity of principles and goals, through which our goals are achieved and our virtues are elevated, and we will remain – with God’s help – supportive of truth and just causes.

The Foreign Minister added “The Palestinian cause is at the forefront of long-standing issues, and has been subjected to injustice for more than seventy years while the Palestinian people stand steadfast in the face of the brutal Israeli occupation, siege, torture, in violation of international law and the Security Council’s resolutions.

He stated that the repercussions surrounding the Russian-Ukrainian crisis and its security and military escalation, as well as the painful humanitarian effects, constitute a serious threat to global peace and the flow of energy and food supply chains. This crisis, the minister added, also constitutes a serious challenge to international cooperation and the global order which is based on respect for the law and the Charter of the United Nations.

In this regard, the minister reaffirmed that the Sultanate of Oman calls for resorting to dialogue and peaceful negotiations on the basis of “do no harm,” respecting the sovereignty of states, the policy of good neighborliness, and removing the sources and causes of this crisis.

He pointed out that the Sultanate of Oman is implementing many plans and programmes aimed at adapting to climate change and reducing its effects. Oman seeks to stimulate investment in renewable energy projects, in accordance with the zero carbon neutrality strategy 2050.

Sayyid Badr added that the Sultanate of Oman is heading towards active participation in the next session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP-28), which will be held next November in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. He explained that “Oman Vision 2040” is the Sultanate of Oman’s gateway to sustainable development, overcoming challenges, and keeping pace with regional and global changes.

The minister also pointed out that the constant development of the educational system at all levels and improving its outputs is necessary to build the man and enable him/her to push the wheel of economic development forward.

He added that the Covid-19 pandemic was a lesson for all countries to review their preparedness and response mechanisms for health emergencies and enhance their capabilities. Perhaps the most important lessons learned are the significance of early preparedness in dealing with public health risks and threats, as well as investing in scientific research and technological development, Sayyid Badr said.

The minister pointed out that the Sultanate of Oman organized a global ministerial conference aimed at developing solutions to antimicrobial resistance and accelerating the pace of cooperation at the national, regional and international levels to limit the growth of this threat to public health and to the economic components of countries.

He stressed that the Sultanate of Oman calls on everyone to encourage partnership in research, innovation and manufacturing to find preventive and therapeutic alternatives to reduce the effects of pandemics and prevent their spread.

The Foreign Minister said “The Sultanate of Oman seriously seeks to consolidate human rights and adhere to relevant international charters and conventions in order to develop a just international society that embraces absolute respect for human dignity and rights, as well as the religious and cultural values of countries.

The minister asserted that the Sultanate of Oman rejects and denounces all incitement acts calling for violence, hatred and discrimination on the basis of faith or race, calling on the international community to find clear and explicit legislation that criminalizes these acts that threaten social peace and stability, and even threaten the national security of countries and societies.

At the conclusion of the Sultanate of Oman’s speech, Sayyid Badr Hamad Al Busaidi, Foreign Minister said “We are facing complex global challenges, most notably the escalating effects of the climate crisis, the spread of pandemics, drug trade, and human trafficking, in addition to political and sectarian conflicts, calling on the international community to firmly adhere to the principles of right and justice and apply the rules of international law without double standards, so that security and reassurance prevail among people, trust spreads among countries, and partnerships among peoples grow and flourish”.

Source: Oman News Agency