
Popularity: The opening of a headquarters for the Israeli embassy in Manama represents a state of decline

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine confirmed that the Bahraini regime’s reception of the occupation’s foreign minister and allowing the opening of a permanent headquarters for the so-called Israeli embassy in Manama represents a state of increasing decline for this regime, which is steeped in dependency and collusion with the occupation and its colonial ambitions at the expense of the interests of the brotherly Bahraini people. And the Palestinian issue.

The Front promised in a statement linked together that these normalized relations between the Bahraini regime and the occupation are an integral part of the aggression against our people, their cause and their sanctities, and that this regime, which has continued its subordination and downfall, continues to turn against the Bahraini popular will and throw in the face the authentic positions of the Bahraini people and their rejecting political and societal forces. And the resistance to normalization, who, like all Arab peoples, consider the issue of Palestine their central issue and that it is part of their national and national security.

The Front confirmed that this behavior, which allowed this regime to plant an Israeli settlement outpost in the heart of the Bahraini capital, Manama, in the presence of the racist fascist criminal Eli Cohen and at the invitation of the godfather of normalization in Bahrain, Salman bin Hamad, confirms that this regime has violated all Arab and national decisions and customs, and it will not The Bahraini people who will face this accept it and put an end to this downfall.

The Front warned of the dangers of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia embarking on normalization with the occupation, especially since there are channels that have been opened in the sports and media fields, in addition to opening Saudi airspace for the passage of occupation aircraft, which paves the way for the possibility of announcing complete normalization with this occupation if some conditions are met. Which is being circulated, considering that this will represent a major blow to the Palestinian cause, and a major blow to the Arab nation due to the weight and Arab influence that Saudi Arabia represents.

The free people of the Arab nation called for urgent action to resist this dangerous decline and drowning in the quagmire of normalization by the official regimes that have initiated it, or are preparing for it, to put an end to the godfathers of normalization, and to protect the security of our Arab peoples from its dangerous repercussions, in defense of the Arab identity of Palestine and protecting our people from the aggression of the occupation. Who is still perched on our land and our sanctities, and is committing crimes against our people, the last of which will not be the crime of his assault on Majdat and the women of Palestine

Source: Maan News Agency