
Study Highlights Health Importance of Sleeping at Same Time Daily

Small differences in sleeping habits between work and rest days could lead to unhealthy changes to the bacteria in the guts, a study suggests.

The study of nearly 1,000 adults by Kings College London scientists found that even a 90-minute difference in the midpoint of your night’s sleep over the course of a normal week could influence the types of bacteria found in the human gut.

Going to sleep and waking up at very different times during the week, compared to the weekend, is known as having social jetlag.

It is thought to be more common in teenagers and young adults, then tapers off as people get older.

The researchers found that three out of the six microbiota species which were more plentiful in the guts of the social jetlag group are linked to poor diet quality, obesity and higher levels of inflammation and stroke risk.

Source: Oman News Agency