
To bomb the apartment of the martyr Jamjoom – storming Shuafat camp and evacuating a residential building

Jerusalem – Together – The occupation forces, in large numbers and various teams, stormed, Thursday morning, a residential building in the Shuafat refugee camp in Jerusalem, which included the apartment of the Jerusalemite martyr Fadi Jamjoum.

Residents of the building explained to Ma’an Agency that dozens of forces, accompanied by bombing experts and engineering teams, stormed their residential building and evacuated 33 families living in the building, then began storming the apartment of the martyr Jamjoom, which has been closed since last February.

The martyr’s apartment is located on the eighth floor of the 10-storey building.

The occupation authorities had evacuated the family members of the martyr Jamjoom, his wife and four children, last February, closed the apartment, prohibited its use, and issued a demolition decision.

The martyr Jamjoom carried out a shooting operation in the Kiryat Malachi area, near Ashkelon, on the sixteenth of last February.

Source: Maan News Agency