
US reaffirms stance against torture

US President Joe Biden reaffirmed on Monday his nation’s stance against the inhumane practices of torture and the urgent need to eliminate such practices.

In a statement by the White House, Biden said, “I reaffirm the Unite States’ opposition to all forms of inhumane treatment and our commitment to eliminating torture and assisting torture survivors as they heal and in their quest for justice.

“Yet every day, people around the world are subjected to this horrific violation of their human rights and human dignity.

“This why we are providing the largest ever funding amount for the US Survivors of Torture Program in the Office of Refugee Resettlement, at HSS,” with the additional funding in the future, for the sake of the survivors and their families.

This will obstinate the US’s endeavor of being the UN’s largest contributor to the Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture.

Biden added that upholding the responsibility to a standard that (we) hold others with and to continue insuring torture remains prohibited, “I call on all nations around the world to join me in supporting rehabilitation and justice for torture survivors”.

Source: Kuwait News Agency