
Weather: Mild conditions, rise in temperature

Weather today in Palestine is partially cloudy to clear and mild in the morning and relatively cold in the evening with rise in temperature which yet remains 2°C below the seasonal average, according to the Palestinian Meteorological Department (PMD).

Winds are northwesterly to northeasterly and light to moderate, and sea waves are low.

Temperature in the capital, Jerusalem, and Bethlehem is expected to reach a high of 19°C and a low of 9°C, and in Ramallah and Hebron a high of 18°C and a low of 8°C. In Jericho, the Dead Sea, and the Jordan Valley, temperature is expected to reach a high of 26°C and a low of 15°C, while it is expected to reach a high of 20°C and a low of 13°C in Gaza and the coastal areas.

A slight rise in temperature is expected for Thursday and Friday, but generally remains below the seasonal average by a slight margin. Weather is expected to be relatively cold, clear and mild.

Source: Palestine News & Info Agency