
Winners of competitions feted

NIZWA: The Directorate of Education in Al Dakhiliyah feted winners of various competitions, which were held in Nizwa recently.


The prizes were given away by Saif bin Mubarak al Julandani, Director General of the Directorate of Education in Al Dakhiliyah Governorate. The competitions aim to stimulate enthusiasm and improve efficiency.


The ceremony began with a speech by Khalifa bin Hadram al Amiri. He said: “This year’s competition aims to foster quality of education in schools. The various departments of the educational directorate competed with creativity and desire for excellence. It was also an opportunity to showcase the talent of our students in drawing, innovation and creativity.”


The ceremony also included a video on the quality department in Al Dakhiliyah.

The Educational Activities Department got first place in the competitions, while the Budgeting Department came second. The Technical Supervision Department got third place. The early education and school administration supervision departments came fourth.


Among students, Joud bint Said bin Saif al Hanaiyah from Wadi Al Ala School won first place in drawing. Saif bin Ahmed bin Saif al Amri from Labid bin Rabea School won first place in innovation. In the essay competition, Mohammed bin Said bin Abdullah al Mahrouqi from Osama bin Zaid School got first place.


Source: Oman Observer

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