Dean of African diplomatic corps hails Kuwait’s aid to Africa

The dean of the African diplomatic corps and Ambassador of the Republic of Togo, Mohamed Ouro, praised on Wednesday the pioneering role undertaken by the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development and aid for development in 51 African countries.

The ambassador was speaking to KUNA after partaking in a seminar organized by the Kuwait Diplomatic Institute, titled “sixty years of Kuwaiti-African relations,” attended by the Foreign Minister assistant for the Institute Affairs, Ambassador Nasser Al-Sebeeh, and heads of foreign diplomatic missions.

Ambassador Ouro said the Kuwaiti-African relations are distinguished with brotherly and strong bonds, based on fruitful cooperation, citing the endorsement of various accords, visits’ swaps by senior officials and diplomats.

The cordial dialogue organized by the institute on the 60th anniversary of the distinguished ties is a good opportunity to examine means of fostering these relations further, he said.

The State of Kuwait hosts 34 African diplomatic missions, the l
argest entity of the sector in the country. Kuwait, for its part, maintains up to 17 missions in the African continent.

He valued Kuwaiti investments in Africa at USD 28 billion and the trade exchanges volume at more than USD 10 million.

KFAED, for its part, has contributed 500 loans worth USD 10 million to fund development projects in Africa.

Source: Kuwait News Agency