
EU to Help Western Balkans’ War-affected Economies

Tirana, Albania, The European Union’s (EU) foreign policy chief today said the bloc would support the Western Balkan countries to overcome the economic crisis caused by Russia’s war on Ukraine.

Josep Borrell was in Tirana, the Albanian capital, in the second stop of his regional tour that took him to North Macedonia and to Bosnia after Albania, where he met with Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama and other officials.

Borrell repeated again that “this is the moment to reinvigorate the enlargement process and to anchor the Western Balkans firmly to the EU.”

He denounced Russia’s “brutal aggression” in Ukraine and the deaths from Russian bombing, adding that Russia was exploiting the world economy’s interdependency as a weapon in war.

Consequences from the war, including higher energy prices, were affecting poorer countries like those of the Western Balkans.

The 27-country bloc is opening its “financial and economic capacities to respond to a crisis … the strong disruption that the war has created to the world economy circles, economically and financially,” he said.

Such an investment plan would mobilize unprecedented resources to diversify energy supply, reduce dependencies, strengthen regional cooperation, build infrastructure and create jobs.

The Western Balkan countries are at different stages in the integration path into the bloc. Serbia and Montenegro are holding full pre-membership negotiations while Albania and North Macedonia have been given the green light to launch them. Bosnia and Kosovo have started only the first step in the EU process, the Associated Press (AP) news reported.

Source: Oman News & Info Agency