

Kataeb Leader Samy Gemayel indicated that all intiatives would fail unless there are two parties seeking an agreement, saying that his party is genuinely concerned about the country, it is open to consensus and strives for it.

‘We remain committed to finding a solution through consensus. Despite our willingness to accept a candidate agreeable to all parties, they continue to insist on their choice,’ Gemayel said in a press conference.

‘We initiated dialogue by withdrawing our candidate and proposing a consensus one, but they rejected this approach. House Speaker Nabih Berri refrains from calling for presidential elections sessions while Hezbollah insists on imposing its presidential candidate,’ he indicated.

‘We are faced with two choices: either resilience or submission. We can either reject the logic of imposition and control or succumb to the candidate imposed by Hezbollah,’ Gemayel went on saying.

The Kataeb Leader said that If Hezbollah truly cares about the country as it claims, then it should withdraw its presidential candidate and propose another one.

‘We are adamant about reaching a consensus, willing to accept a presidential candidate agreeable to all. However, they insist on imposition, refusing our proposal. Consequently, we initiated dialogue the moment we withdrew our candidate. We nominated a candidate based on consensus, fostering transparency and openness. We proposed solutions for public discussion. Why do they insist on closed-door negotiations and imposing their candidate on us?” he asked.

‘We have significant entitlements and we are trying to avoid the greatest evil, which is the presidential vacuum and the destruction of institutions,’ he stated.

‘They claim to seek assurances but why does Hezbollah, an armed group accused of violence and assassinations, undermines the constitution? Why its ally avoids calling for presidential elections sessions and hinders the democratic process?’ he asked.

‘In reality, it is the Lebanese people who require guarantees. Our demands are for the state, its institutions, and the Lebanese Republic. We defend the rights of the republic and seek nothing for ourselves,’ he noted

‘We are seeking assurances to avoid a return to government formation crises, where Hezbollah imposes its conditions to secure its allies’ interests, thereby obstructing future developments following the presidential term,’ he emphasized.

‘We seek security assurances against the threats of Hezbollah’s illegal arms,’ he affirmed.

‘Would anyone in your circle admit that the opposition is a burden on the country? Can you explain to us what “burden” means? Is this a threat of assassination and a reference to May 7th events? Is this a language with which you intend to build a country with others? We do not and will not use this language. The problem is that you threaten, boast, and have an armed militia that violates the constitution,’ Gemayel said addressing Hezbollah.

“We agree and disagree under the framework of the constitution and equality. So why does a party have the right to decide the future of the Lebanese? Why does Hezbollah send the Lebanese to death abroad? Why are we supposed to surrender to it?” he asked.

The Kataeb Leader asserted that his party only seeks equality in a bid live under the umbrella of the law and the constitution peacefully.

Gemayel addressed Hezbollah’s Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah saying: ‘If you want to live in one country, you have to accept the country’s conditions. We will accept being second-class citizens.”

He also addressed the officials and envoys who seek to find solutions to Lebanon’s crises: ‘When the approach is wrong, we will not reach a solution. We will not accept a candidate imposed by one party. This is the reality, and here lies the problem.”

‘The beginning of the dialogue is by meeting us halfway, not engaging in a fruitless discussion,’ he affirmed.

The Kataeb Leader said that Hezbollah must accept the principle of consensus on a unified candidate, saying no initiative will be successful without the actual desire to reach an agreement.

“All the Lebanese are ready for reconciliation and compromise, except Hezbollah, which only wants its presidential candidate. Everyone is willing to find a middle ground except Hezbollah. Therefore, if the countries want to help the Lebanese, they should work with Hezbollah and sit with it,’ he emphasized.

“We will confront the oppression and tyranny practiced by Hezbollah on the Lebanese people. We do not attempt to impose on the other party; rather, we seek to preserve our rights, the rights of our people, and the future of our children in Lebanon,’ Gemayel affirmed.

“If the envoys want to find solutions, they should persuade Hezbollah to accept something acceptable to everyone. They should urge Hezbollah to move away from unilateralism and imposition. Otherwise, we will remain where we are because we will not choose submission, and we will never give up,’ he concluded.

Source: National News Agency – Lebanon